
It's dark, you're alone and he's got a knife. Quick--what do YOU do???

World’s Leading Military And Law Enforcement Combat Instructor “De-classifies” His Quick And Easy To Learn Techniques For Defeating Any Attacker, Winning Any Fight Regardless of Your Size, Experience or Age, Even if You've NEVER been in a Fight Before in Your Life."

Destroy An Attacker Without Using A Weapon

Are you worried about the safety of your family?

Concerned about the increasing levels of violence on our streets?

Not sure you could protect yourself and your family against a home invasion or vicious street attack?

Let’s face it...

The threat of violence against you and your loved ones is increasing all the time.

The massacre in the Colorado theatre and the horrific Connecticut school shootings brings this shocking reality home to us.

The most recent statistics show that Home invasions and levels of violence are on the rise.

Talk to anyone who has been through a real life attack and you see how they are left battling severe physical and emotional problems for the rest of their lives.

...Dealing with physical and emotional scars that never heal.

And never being able to live life to the fullest again.

Some people think having a firearm is the answer but there are many cases where you will not be able use a firearm such as out in public or you may just be caught unaware and not have access to one in the moment.

Not to mention that real life confrontations happen so fast that you just don’t get time to use a gun.

Or too fast many times for the first responders to save you.

So what’s the solution?

Well-There are many self defense courses out there on the market but very few if any of them deal with the reality of facing a violent attack.

Let’s get one thing straight. What they teach you in a regular martial arts class or even MMA or other self defense courses can fail you miserably when you are faced with a real life attack.

Plus these arts take a long time to learn.

Real self defense is not about punching or kicking as many of these courses teach.

And they never deal with the psychological aspects of self defense and give you practical tools to hurt and stop any size attacker dead in his tracks.

That’s why Steve Larkin, a leading authority in real world self defense and survival tactics developed a system over the past 25 years to avoid and deal with real life violent attacks.

After working with everyone one from navy seals to border patrol police he wanted to develop a system that literally anyone could use to stop a violent attack and enable you and your family to overcome the most powerful and vicious of attackers. The system he has developed is called target focussed training and has amazing results.

It’s so effective because of a simple 3 pronged ingenious approach to self defense. It covers the entire spectrum of survival from self protection awareness; to instinctual self defense training to the ability to actually kill your attacker if that is necessary to save your life and your family’s lives. If you think that level of violence is not necessary you need to look at the extreme levels of violence on the street today...That’s escalating all the time.

Target focused training is designed to be learned quickly and easily by literally any one from an elderly man to a soccer mom. It’s there to give you the peace of mind of knowing you can handle any situation that threatens you or your family. Target focus training is about:

  • Real world (sometimes lethal) self defense. Not time consuming (difficult to learn) sport fighting or traditional martial arts.
  • Intuitive movement that works on your body’s natural reactions to danger making it SUPER EASY TO LEARN.
  • Devastating attack stopping blows. Not traditional punching or kicking.
  • No size, speed or strength required.
  • Focusing on using your most important weapon... your brain.
  • Gives you the skill to know what to do and when to do it. For sometimes-lethal effects.

Many self defense companies teach techniques that simply fall apart in a real life situation along with you and your family’s chances of survival.

...or worse yet-give you a false sense of security that can literally get you killed. Other self defense companies were understandably skeptical of what target focussed self defense can do.

Steve proved them wrong. Target focused training has become known in mainstream media as one of the “the most devastatingly powerful, scientifically-proven self defense systems in the world today,” Tim has taught this system to navy seals, US army special forces, and US border patrol services along with top corporate clientele.

He has worked with CEO’s, business leaders and high ranking government officials in his time.

Larkin is co-author of the best-selling book, How to Survive The Most Critical 5 Seconds of Your Life, and the highly acclaimed online newsletter, Secrets For Staying Alive When Rules Don’t Apply.

What makes target focussed training so effective for protecting you and your loved ones against any level of threat is it’s unique insights on how to target an attacker in such a way as he can be completely disabled and put out of action by someone a fraction of his size and strength.

This means that anyone can possess the potentially lethal force necessary to survive and dominate any attacker.

Target focussed training is the one thing you will never be without and the one thing you and your family can rely on when the need arises.

If you are keen to know a powerful, quick and simple system for defending you and your family...Check out target focussed training now.

This training was banned in the UK recently for being too lethally effective.

Click here to see if there are still training options available.

Tim Larkin Sharing Survival Tips On The Wall Street Journal:

"I can't believe they're giving this information away for 90% off"


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